Gynecologic Cancer Resource Guide
Getting Started - Keeping Records
It is important that you have access to your records and notes about the progress of your care. Signing up for and engaging with an online patient portal (assuming this is available to you!) allows you to be ENGAGED in your own care so you can intelligently discuss your situation with your medical practitioners.
CT & PET scan results
Ongoing CA-125 test results
Types and duration of chemo drugs
Radiation schedule
In addition, consider keeping track of these things as well:
Any side effects experienced - this will allow you to anticipate those side effects the next time you have chemo or radiation so you can help control them. (For instance: Constipated while you're on chemo? Maybe take a stool softener earlier in the chemo process.)
Additional opinions or referral visits
Any supplements or complementary care utilized should be reported to your gynecologic oncologist or medical oncologist!
​It’s also helpful to keep a document (outside of your portal) current with all your important medical history in case someone caring for you needs the information:
Medical or Gynecologic Oncologist contact info
Primary Care Physician contact info
Insurance company contact info and policy number
List of current medications
Administration (living will, health care proxy, pharmacy, etc.)
Allergic Reactions
Chronic Illnesses
Previous Illnesses
Previous surgeries & accidents
Family History
Social History (addictions, smoking, etc.)
Lifestyle History (exercise, diet)