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Wellness & Emotional Support Services

Nicki's Circle Support Groups

If you have received a diagnosis of gynecologic cancer and would like to meet others with that diagnosis, please feel free to join one or more Nicki's Circle Gynecologic Wellness and Emotional Support Groups.


We offer a variety of weekly and monthly groups via Zoom and one in-person group.


All groups are free of charge and facilitated by licensed professional counselors. Nicki's Circle Groups have served hundreds of survivors in Colorado since 2005. All are welcome!


Check out our CALENDAR below for upcoming meetings.


First Time Registration

Prior to attending your first group, please fill out the First Time Registration form by clicking on the button marked "New to Nicki's Circle" button. 


Our CGCA Support Services Team will contact you to go over info about the group and to answer any questions or concerns you may have.


Or, you can contact our support team directly at: 




virtual support group

Need help NOW?

Are you in crisis? If you need help due to a medical emergency, please call 911 and notify your physician.


If you are feeling suicidal or are having an emotional emergency, please call or text the suicide prevention hotline at 988 or visit

Individual Support 

We are available to talk by phone with you about the emotional challenges of being diagnosed with gynecologic cancer, of going through treatment and adjusting to life after treatment. Contact us to set up a time to connect or fill out our Consent to Contact form and we will follow up with you. Our Individual Support Program (ISP) staff are master’s level counselors with mental health training. The program offers four complementary appointments by phone or video conferencing, designed to assist you through the difficult experiences that are commonly associate with a cancer diagnosis and treatment. The focus of these sessions can vary and will be based on your need for support with gynecologic cancer. Topics can include but are not limited to test anxiety, illness-based sadness and grief, fear of reoccurrence, intimacy issues, treatment issues, resources, relationships, and communication.

caring hands

Please note: This service is not meant to be a replacement for mental health psychotherapy. If more professional support is needed, we can provide a resource list to help you connect with local therapists and national support programs that have expertise with individuals who have serious health conditions. Affordable counseling options and scholarships may be available. 


The purpose of this program is to provide emotional assistance in the face of the stress and distress you may be experiencing related to your cancer diagnosis and treatment.


To get started, contact our CGCA Support Services Team to arrange a meeting time or ask questions. We look forward to connecting with you.


To make an appointment, contact our Support Services Team:



Early Stage Peer Support

The Early-Stage peer support group is for those who have been diagnosed with stage I or II gynecologic cancer and are seeking support and connection with others living with experiences unique to this phase of survivorship.


This group meets virtually (via Zoom) on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 4 pm.


To learn more, contact our CGCA Support Services Team.


Recently Diagnosed Education Series

The Recently Diagnosed Education Series provides survivors and co-survivors (caregivers) information needed to effectively navigate the early months of a diagnosis and treatment, including the initial adjustment, clinical guidance about managing treatment and side effects, coping strategies, and practical resources.  Each class is instructive and interactive.


To learn more, contact our CGCA Support Services Team.


Survivor Educational Programs

Navigating Life's Final Chapters: Facing Mortality while living with Advanced Cancer

Presented July 9, 2024

Finding Light in the Darkness

This presentation was given at the Thriving Together Survivorship Conference in January 2025. Presented by CGCA's own Jeanice Hansen, LCSW, OSW-C and University of Colorado's Carlin Callaway, DNP, RN




Are you under 40 years of age?

Join our Young Survivor Support Group!
CGCA partners with the Young Survivors Group: GET + TOGETHER, that meets the first Thursday evening of the month at a local restaurant. (A young survivor is someone under 40 years of age.) We can add you to the email list for monthly reminders. To learn more, contact:


Melissa Gilstrap

AdventHealth Parker

Rocky Mountain - Genetic Counselor Lead

office 303-269-4348 or cell 303-521-2650

Grupos de apoyo en español

(Virtual) GRUPO de APOYO EMOCIONAL para pacientes con CANCER y sus FAMILIAS

Este grupo virtual ofrece un espacio único para permitirle expresar sus emociones y sentimientos.Todos los meses el grupo es dirigido por una coordinadora en español: Miembros del grupo de cáncer en español (Latino Cancer Task Force) y un terapeuta bilingüe

El último martes de cada mes
a las 6 p.m. vía Zoom

Regístrese aquí:
o llamando al
719-217-6031 / 412-535-1564
Para más información:

Auspiciado por Latino Cancer Task Force- Coalición de Cáncer en Colorado (CCC) y Ray of Hope Cancer Foundation

LCTF support group flyer SPA

LCTF support group flyer ENG


(En Persona) GRUPO de APOYO EMOCIONAL para pacientes con CANCER y sus FAMILIAS

Este grupo ofrece un espacio único para permitirle expresar sus emociones y sentimientos. Cada sesión es asesorada por una terapeuta bilingüe y dirigida por una coordinadora del Grupo de Cáncer en Español.

Cada tercer lunes del mes de
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
UCHealth Memorial Admin. Center
South Conference Room
2420 E. Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs 80909

Para inscribirte, llama al 719-217-6031 o al 412-535-1564
Para mayores informes, escribe a:


Grupos de apoyo para pacientes y sobrevivientes de cánceres ginecológicos

¡Bienvenidas a LatinaSHARE!

Cada grupo de apoyo es una oportunidad poderosa para intercambiar experiencias, información y atención con mujeres que entienden lo que está pasando: escuchar y ser escuchado. Las investigaciones muestran que las mujeres con una comunidad fuerte de apoyo tienen mejores resultados de salud. 


Si recientemente le diagnosticaron con algún tipo de cáncer ginecológico o si es una sobreviviente, estamos aquí para ti.


SHARE es una organización nacional sin fines de lucro que apoya, educa y empodera a cualquier persona que haya sido diagnosticada con cánceres de mujeres y brinda información al público en general. LatinaSHARE es la división dedicada a servir a la población hispana y llevamos 28 años proveyendo nuestros programas y recursos en español a las comunidades latinas.





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