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Cancer treatments can be expensive and worrying about finances can get in the way of regaining your health. A program of the Colorado Gynecologic Cancer Alliance, Carol’s Wish can help and is available to all women diagnosed with gynecologic cancers, regardless of income, insurance coverage, or citizenship status. 

Carol's Wish Financial Navigation program

Our expert financial advocates are here to help you navigate through the financial aspect of your medical treatment. One of our advocates will connect with you to review your current medical coverage and clinical treatment plan and, if needed, work together to create a new, personalized strategy to minimize your financial burden going forward. They also may be aware of other financial assistance programs for which you may be eligible.


Carol’s Wish was created in honor of Carol Dauer, who fought a three-year battle with ovarian cancer before passing away in 2017. Concerned about the extraordinary cost of cancer treatments that can be a heavy burden even for well-insured patients, it was her wish that no one should receive substandard medical care for financial reasons. 


For more information, or to get started, please contact Rachel Dauer.

Carol's Wish is generously supported in part by:

Safeway Foundation

Carol's Wish Financial Navigation

Read case studies that show the impact of the Carol's Wish program.

Rachel Dauer

Rachel Dauer


Other Carol's Wish Team Members:

Christi Ng

Christi Ng


¿Hablas español? Yiara estará encantada de ayudarte.


Yiara Urquidez

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