Caregiver Resources
Overcoming challenges
Hang in there! We know Caregivers face many challenges in all aspects including physically, mentally, and socially. It’s important to acknowledge what you can and can’t do. There is no shame in admitting that you can’t handle something on your own and to utilize your resources in seeking a helping hand.
Palliative and Respite Care
Although caregiving is incredibly rewarding, feeling emotionally and/or physically drained can occur and can impact your loved one's wellbeing. That’s where respite care can come into play and give you the break you need. You can find more information in our Resource Guide.
Design a custom respite plan! Make a list of family members and friends that are able to help out for a little and give yourself a tiny vacation. Even 24 hours of respite care will help you feel replenished and well-rested to take on your daily activities when you return. If family members aren’t available there are short-term respite services that take on your caregiving duties while you are away.